Saturday, May 23, 2020

5 Terrific Winter to Spring Skin Care Tips

5 Terrific Winter to Spring Skin Care Tips As we say goodbye to the Winter season and hello to Spring, there are important beauty tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure your beauty regimen continues to thrive through the transitioning seasons. New York City based Beauty Expert Jill Caruso, has come up with the perfect Winter to Spring beauty tips to ensure vibrant skin. Harsh weather conditions in the Winter can bring anyone’s skin woes, so as the first bud of spring blooms there are a few things to keep in mind.  She suggests the following for Winter to Spring flawless skin: Do not forget your sunscreen This is not an option, but an essential everyday necessity, regardless of weather, to protect your skin from UV radiation. Also, contrary to popular belief, SPF ratings higher than 30 do not offer more protection and no sunscreen can block more than 97 percent of UV rays. Be sure to moisturize daily Moisturizing your face will help you to look and feel younger, resulting in softer, more elastic skin… not to mention it will keep your skin hydrated. Wash your face every night This is vital, as it removes not only makeup, but the dirt and dust that accumulates throughout the day. Outside elements as well as makeup clogs your pores with dirt, dust, smoke, etc., however, Jill suggests that soap-less cleansers are okay occasionally as they can act as cleansers with nondrying agents.  Light Chemical peels can be great for the season change There are lower UV levels during the winter, making it optimal for recovery and an ideal time to prepare your skin for the forthcoming spring season. Lastly, when it comes to makeup, less is more People often tend to overdo it in the winter.   Heavy foundation, mascara, and lipstick often ages women. About Jill Caruso Jill is a Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist and her distinctive background in medicine, design, and skin esthetics gives her a unique approach when analyzing a patients face and determining an individual treatment. She  is  one of only 220 practitioners with credentials from the Plastic Surgery Nursing Board. Jill began working as a cosmetic injection practioner more than 7 years ago, and started working alongside Dr. David Fox at Fox Vein Care in 2014.   She specializes in anti-aging treatments and clinical skin care. Using injectable fillers, neurotoxins, chemical peels, lasers, and Kybella, Jill softens the signs of aging.   Her less is more philosophy and innate artistic ability, combined with a passion for personalized patient care allows her to give her clients the most optimal outcome; their most beautiful, natural self.  You can learn more about Jill at

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