Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to HATE your job

How to HATE your job I love it. Heres a critical line in Ians Get Bold blog: Ultimately, it comes down to the offer and your decision. This blog post is about worklife balance. A close friend asked my advice about a career change a few years ago. I had outgrown the its all about the money and realized that company culture had a huge role in my job satisfaction and thats what we discussed. This person negated every aspect of company culture, and the things that Ian talks about in his blog post, and went for the money. With miserable results. It came down to the offer and his decision. You know the funny thing, the job is (hes still there) worse than he ever imagined. A job offer is more than will you work for us for $70,000? It is more will you work in this environment, with these people, and within the boundaries of our company culture, treating customers the way we believe they should be treated, and well pay you $70,000? By the end of the day even people that make gobs of money hate there jobs and its not because they dont make enough money. No one is forcing you into a job. And if you feel forced into a job, consider it to be a short-term gig that will keep you afloat until you can get what you really want. And you better actively look for what you really want! Good post, Ian. It is timely as more people are understanding that the loyalty from an employer is day-to-day. How to HATE your job I love it. Heres a critical line in Ians Get Bold blog: Ultimately, it comes down to the offer and your decision. This blog post is about worklife balance. A close friend asked my advice about a career change a few years ago. I had outgrown the its all about the money and realized that company culture had a huge role in my job satisfaction and thats what we discussed. This person negated every aspect of company culture, and the things that Ian talks about in his blog post, and went for the money. With miserable results. It came down to the offer and his decision. You know the funny thing, the job is (hes still there) worse than he ever imagined. A job offer is more than will you work for us for $70,000? It is more will you work in this environment, with these people, and within the boundaries of our company culture, treating customers the way we believe they should be treated, and well pay you $70,000? By the end of the day even people that make gobs of money hate there jobs and its not because they dont make enough money. No one is forcing you into a job. And if you feel forced into a job, consider it to be a short-term gig that will keep you afloat until you can get what you really want. And you better actively look for what you really want! Good post, Ian. It is timely as more people are understanding that the loyalty from an employer is day-to-day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to E-Commerce Website Design Resume Writing?

How to E-Commerce Website Design Resume Writing?E-commerce website design resume writing is really not all that difficult when you put your mind to it. You need to look at your future in e-commerce first. After all, if you were planning on working for Amazon or some other company, this would be the best place to work. You will want to work for an e-commerce company that will benefit your future professionally.You should take the time to learn as much as you can about the market place and the way they do business. The reason you want to learn about the market place is to better understand how to design your business. If you do not know anything about designing, look for someone who does.You want to look for someone who knows about SEO and search engine optimization. In most cases, the people you find like yours will have the most in common. This is because most of them know nothing about the internet except how to surf it.E-commerce is a very important part of our society today. It ha s become a vital part of every business today. You should be concerned about it if you are serious about your future.One of the benefits of the internet is that it allows customers to shop from anywhere and at any time. The internet has completely changed the way we shop. Most online stores have taken full advantage of this fact. The beauty of being able to buy products directly from the internet is that you are able to see the products up close and personal.Your future career will not be compromised because you can purchase products with the click of a button. However, your career will be affected by your ability to attract customers to your website. The idea is to put a link to your website on every page of your e-commerce website design resume writing.If you cannot find an example of the type of products you want to sell, you need to think about the type of products you need to sell. As you go about finding products for your website, think about what products your potential custo mers will be interested in buying. Then you can decide on the products you want to include on your website. This will take some time and patience.When you are ready to put your product on the internet, create a page for your product. You can include images and links to different pages of your website. You also need to make sure that the products you sell are all correctly spelled and have properly formatted text. That will make your future business seem more professional and legitimate.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

5 Terrific Winter to Spring Skin Care Tips

5 Terrific Winter to Spring Skin Care Tips As we say goodbye to the Winter season and hello to Spring, there are important beauty tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure your beauty regimen continues to thrive through the transitioning seasons. New York City based Beauty Expert Jill Caruso, has come up with the perfect Winter to Spring beauty tips to ensure vibrant skin. Harsh weather conditions in the Winter can bring anyone’s skin woes, so as the first bud of spring blooms there are a few things to keep in mind.  She suggests the following for Winter to Spring flawless skin: Do not forget your sunscreen This is not an option, but an essential everyday necessity, regardless of weather, to protect your skin from UV radiation. Also, contrary to popular belief, SPF ratings higher than 30 do not offer more protection and no sunscreen can block more than 97 percent of UV rays. Be sure to moisturize daily Moisturizing your face will help you to look and feel younger, resulting in softer, more elastic skin… not to mention it will keep your skin hydrated. Wash your face every night This is vital, as it removes not only makeup, but the dirt and dust that accumulates throughout the day. Outside elements as well as makeup clogs your pores with dirt, dust, smoke, etc., however, Jill suggests that soap-less cleansers are okay occasionally as they can act as cleansers with nondrying agents.  Light Chemical peels can be great for the season change There are lower UV levels during the winter, making it optimal for recovery and an ideal time to prepare your skin for the forthcoming spring season. Lastly, when it comes to makeup, less is more People often tend to overdo it in the winter.   Heavy foundation, mascara, and lipstick often ages women. About Jill Caruso Jill is a Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist and her distinctive background in medicine, design, and skin esthetics gives her a unique approach when analyzing a patients face and determining an individual treatment. She  is  one of only 220 practitioners with credentials from the Plastic Surgery Nursing Board. Jill began working as a cosmetic injection practioner more than 7 years ago, and started working alongside Dr. David Fox at Fox Vein Care in 2014.   She specializes in anti-aging treatments and clinical skin care. Using injectable fillers, neurotoxins, chemical peels, lasers, and Kybella, Jill softens the signs of aging.   Her less is more philosophy and innate artistic ability, combined with a passion for personalized patient care allows her to give her clients the most optimal outcome; their most beautiful, natural self.  You can learn more about Jill at

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

To Lie or Not to Lie - Classy Career Girl

To Lie or Not to Lie Recently, a friend (we’ll call him Bob) painted a charming picture of how his boss ordered him to lie to auditors. Bob and three co-workers had been doing a job they were uncertified to complete due to the incompetence of their other co-workers. If the auditors discovered that fact, the company could lose their certification. Losing the certification would be a catastrophe for the company. Clients would flee. Money would be lost. His orders were simple, get the auditor out of his cubicle as fast as possible. If they ask about his name being attached to the blueprints, lie. What to do? The decision is not an easy one. In an ideal world, the manager wouldn’t have asked for Bob to lie. The manager would have fired the incompetent employees and hired new employees who did have the skill to do the job. Successful managers realize that 33% of the US workforce want to leave their jobs, so its their?responsibility to cultivate a fair workplace that will entice them to stay. A working environment where the employees cant trust the employer to not put them in ethically difficult situations will just push workers out the door faster. Bob was wedged between a rock and a hard place. To lie, or not to lie? If you find yourself in a similar situation, keep these factors in mind. To Lie or Not to Lie Under Pressure 1. Do You Believe Lying is Wrong? Do some soul searching.  How do you feel about lying in general? Will telling the lie haunt you till the end of your days? No judgment here. Everyone has a different belief system about how wrong the act of telling a lie is. Founders Note: Of course you are reading this article on Classy Career Girl, so we have to add that we believe lying is wrong no matter what. 2. Will the Lie Hurt Someone? Some lies are harmless. Other lies can lead to financial, environmental, or personal damage. Bob’s potential lie, I just reviewed the schematics, falls into a gray area. Bob and his team might not be certified but they have the engineering knowledge to create safe blueprints. The danger in the lie is that engineers without the certification aren’t guaranteed to have the required knowledge. All it takes is one bad hire in his department to create a public safety concern. 3. Does Your Profession Have a Code of Ethics? Not all professions have a code of ethics. Professionals like doctors, lawyers, and engineers agree to uphold the ethical standards of that profession. According to the Ultimate Guide to Engineering Ethics, the ethical standards for engineers are “obligations towards the public, employers, and the profession.” These standards are meant to help individuals in a profession from making mistakes that lead to “potential problems.” What problems are we talking? Engineering failures could lead to construction failures, bystander injuries, and death. From a professional standpoint, if an unethical act is reported, the professional could face civil liability, professional sanctions, and a loss of practicing license. If you do have an industry code of conduct, you might want to think hard about taking any action that goes against that code. [RELATED: 10 Things That Could Ruin Your Career] 4. Who Is Asking You to Lie? Is the main manager or owner of the company asking you to lie the head honcho? If he is the head honcho, there might not be much you can do, but try to say no. If it’s a manager, you might want to approach another manager or the ethics committee. The order to lie might not be sanctioned by the company. 5. Can You Afford to Say No? The truth can hurt, and financially, you might not be prepared for the fallout. Refusing to tell the lie might lead to job termination, poor reviews, and harassment. Or it might not. It’s a gamble. But that’s wrongful termination, isn’t it? In most cases, you’ll need to prove that you were fired for refusing to do something illegal. That’s harder than you would think. Unless you have documentation or a recording, it comes down to he said/she said. And with how poorly whistleblower laws protect employees, I’m not sure I trust wrongful termination laws. 6. Will It Cause Legal Problems? If your  employer or manager asks you to do something that will break the law, don’t. No company is worth jail time. To lie or not to lie? Every employee will need to make that choice. The best piece of advice I can give you is to not go into it blind to the potential fallout.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Writing Services in Michigan

Resume Writing Services in MichiganDo you need resume writing services in Michigan? There are a number of different types of professionals who provide resume writing services in Michigan. Some of the most popular companies include Teach for America, Project ORCA, and Career Builder.These companies all offer these services because they have a high demand for qualified candidates. These are all job programs that are set up to get qualified candidates for open positions in a variety of fields. They tend to draw applicants from all walks of life including men and women, minorities, and retired people.A number of different types of companies in Michigan can provide resume writing services. If you are not sure which service to choose, you can look online at some of the top sites to see which ones are available in your area. You can even ask your friends and family members for recommendations if they have ever used any professional services for resume writing.Professional writers are some o f the best writers in the world. They have the experience to write an effective resume and they are able to make a clear and concise presentation of a candidate's qualifications. With this help, a job seeker will be much more likely to get a call back than if the writer did not have any experience.A job seeker should always do their research before going through the process of applying for jobs. This includes reading the fine print of the contract they signed, the qualifications required, and the estimated length of time for a new hire to be on the job. In order to get a feel for the length of time it might take for a new hire to become proficient in their new position, the job seeker should check with the company hiring for feedback.When the job seeker starts looking for resume writing services in Michigan, it is important to do your research. This includes researching what types of resume writing services are offered by each company in order to find one that will best meet the nee ds of the job seeker. The next step is to gather information on each company and their credentials to ensure the right resume writing service is chosen.Remember that there are a number of firms that do charge small fees for their services. It is important to make sure that you know exactly what you are paying for so that you are not charged unnecessarily for services you may not need. Resume writing services in Michigan are a useful tool for job seekers to have on hand because it allows them to get work experience and train on the fundamentals of their current position.Be sure to contact the professional resume writing services in Michigan that offer resume writing services before the job seeker gets started. Make sure that you understand what type of services are offered, the pricing structure, and when it is necessary to pay a fee. The next step is to review the many sample resumes to see what each service offers and where they are located.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My new book, Leading With Happiness, is out TODAY - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

My new book, Leading With Happiness, is out TODAY - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog ?Leading with happiness is compelling?it?s useful, well-researched, and downright fun to read.? ? Robert Sutton, Stanford professor and author My latest book,?Leading with Happiness: How the Best Leaders Put Happiness First to Create Phenomenal Business Results and a Better World is out TODAY and I could not be more excited. The book presents a simple but radical idea: The fundamental goal of any leader should be to increase happiness in the world. Leaders who don?t do that, are doing it wrong. Drawing on lessons from psychology, neurobiology and philosophy, the book demonstrates why leaders should put happiness first ? for themselves, their employees, their customers, and the wider world ? and why happy leaders are more successful. Its been very well received already. Garry Ridge, the CEO of WD-40 Company, said Every leader should read it. That type of leadership has been integral to our success and I know it will boost your results too. Henry Stewart, the CEO of Happy said ?This is a book that the world needs. It will move you. It will excite you. It will inspire you. And it could well change your life.? The initial reviews on Amazon are VERY positive too: You can read more about the book on its website at and you can buy it on Amazon as a Kindle e-book or as a paperback. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

5 Careerist Bloggers for Gen Y Jobseekers -

Life Without Pants(@MattChevy) Many members of Generation Y place immense value on freedom and fulfillment at work. As an entrepreneur, Matt Cheuvront understand this on a personal level. He started Life Without Pants in 2009 to help others achieve that success in both their professional and personal lives.  Through Life Without Pants, Cheuvront seeks to inspire people discover their passion, embrace their creativity and lead the life they truly want.Understandably, many posts on Life Without Pants focus on entrepreneurship, for example “You Don’t Have to be Rich to be an Entrepreneur,” but one of the most shared posts is “Never Compare Your Beginning to Someone Else’s Middle,” a brief piece on maintaining the right perspective on work and accomplishments. Whether Cheuvront is writing about entrepreneurship or how getting fired changed his life for the better, Life Without Pants tends to tackle important issues working and aspiring professionals face today.Ms. Career Gir l(@MsCareerGirl) As the name suggests, Ms. Career Girl is a blog aimed at helping young women lead fulfilling professional and personal lives. In fact, at the top of the About page, it says: “We believe you can have it all.” Founded in 2008 by Nicole Crimaldi Emerick, the frequently updated blog features posts on all aspects of life as a young working professional.As far as career advice goes, Ms. Career Girl’s focus is on helping young women actively control their careers rather than passively slip into them. The site recognizes that it may take time and some trial and error to find the perfect job, so it offers tips to help you get there. From posts on changing careers to attending grad school to further your career, and emphasizing the value of a side job (blogging, resume writing, etc.) to your job security, Ms. Career Girl strives to give women the tools necessary to succeed on a professional and personal level.