Monday, December 23, 2019

You Don#8217;t Have to Include Everything on Your Resume

You Don8217t Have to Include Everything on Your Resume You Dont Have to Include Everything on Your Resume As a certified professional resume writer, Ive noticed that one mistake a lot of jobseekers make is trying toincludeeverything on their resumes. Of course, it is important to include pertinent qualifications, achievements, and so on, but you dont have to cram every single detail of your professional life intoyour resume.This may sound counterintuitive, but including less information on your resume may sometimes be better than oversharing. You certainly dont want to end up with a vague and unimpressive document, butif your resume repeats the same duties for multiple positions over and over again, a recruiter or hiring managers eye will start to skim over the details. Theyll be less interested in your document and, by extension, you.The goal of a resume is to impress the reader with your skills and entice them to learn more about you, presumably through an interview. If your res ume simply repeats itselfover and over, the reader wont be impressed or intrigued theyll be bored. If this happens, it is likely that the recruiter or hiring manager will decide to go with adifferent candidate perhaps even someone with the same qualifications but a more interesting resume.Get Creative WithYour LanguageOften, people hold similar roles throughout their careers, which is why so many people find themselves with repetitive resumes. What you should be doing instead is highlighting the differences between each role while notingyour various achievements in each position. You may have had the same role at three different companies, but it is very unlikely that you handled the exact same tasks without any variationat every single job.For example, consider an administrative assistants resume. Administrative assistants often have very similar job duties, regardless of for whom they are working. To add some variation to a resume, all an administrative assistant has to do is sw itch up their wording and phrasing when describing similar responsibilities.For example1. Office manager handhabung in- and outbound phone calls, serving as first point of contact forclient inquiries, and resolving minor disputes.2. Client relations specialist serving to engage clients over the phone, answer any questions, resolve problems, and direct calls to the correct point of contact.These two examples describe essentially the same job duties, but the unique wordingmakes the descriptions seem different.You may be doing the same thing at different jobs, but you shouldnt be using the same wording for each role on your resume. This is where you need to get creative. Use a thesaurus. Look online to see how different job descriptions phrase similar responsibilities.In fact, searching through job listings is a great way to draw inspiration for your own resume in general. You might even find some keywords and phrases thatcapture the essence of your role and make great additions to you r resume.Focus on What Makes You UniqueAnother thing to understand is that you do not need to list every single responsibility you held at each job. List only the responsibilities thatcorrespond with the job youre applying to. If that starts to get repetitive, list the duties that make you stand out.Take the administrative assistant example again. It is common knowledge that administrative assistants answer phones, file paperwork, maintain orderly offices, etc. If, however, you went above and beyond your responsibilities as an administrative assistant,you would want to call attention to that on your resume.Did you manage social media accounts, plan events, or help with the hiring of new employees? Those are the duties you want to list on your resume, not the common-knowledge responsibilities everyone knows you held. By listing the times you went above and beyond your job requirements, you are creating differences between your job descriptions, highlighting your achievements, and sho wing prospective employers that you are a motivated and highly accomplished worker.When you are writing your resume, remember to change things up and that less can bemore. You dont have to include everything on your resume, but you do need to include the information that makes you unique.When it comes down to it, no one is looking at your resume to find out if youre a nice person they want to see if you are a skilled person whocan get the job done. The goal of a resume is to highlight your qualifications and show tauglichkeit employers your achievements throughout your career.Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer and the founder of Write Styles.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

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