Saturday, December 28, 2019

6 Ways to Stay Calm During a Stress Interview With a Hostile Interviewer

6 Ways to Stay Calm During a Stress vorstellungsgesprch With a Hostile Interviewer6 Ways to Stay Calm During a Stress Interview With a Hostile Interviewer6 Ways to Stay Calm During a Stress Interview With a Hostile InterviewerBeing stressed for a job bewerberbewerbungsbewerbungsgesprch is one thing - a stress interview with a hostile interviewer is another.Imagine sitting through a two-hour interview with a companys CEO. But instead of asking you questions, the CEO provides an uninvited, line-by-line critique of your work and even comments on the way youre sitting. Oh, and he calls you an underachiever. Sounds like a nightmare, right?Unfortunately, this was the reality for 22-year-old Olivia Bland. Shortly after leaving this second-round interview for a U.K.-based technology company, she received a job offer. Confused, she accepted, then later backed out and shared her thanks, but no thanks letter on Twitter. Her tweet went viral as people rallied behind her. She ended up calling t he experience, which left her in tears, humiliating.Some hiring professionals have deemed this a classic stress interview, a tactic that allegedly helps a company see how a potential employee responds to stress. The interview might consist of confusing brainteasers, intimidating questions, or aggressive behavior like Bland experienced.Through the years, however, stress interviews have become more controversial, and big-name companies like Google are moving away from the act, according to Business Insider. Some companies, unfortunately, are less quick moving.So Blands experience has us wondering How do you handle a stress interview without breaking down, losing your cool, or walking out? In case you ever find yourself in a similar situation, use these tips to keep your cool and help you survive1. Take your timeA job interview is already stressful enough, so when an interviewer barrels into the room with rapid-fire questions and abrasive comments, your existing stress obviously heigh tens.The key Dont feel like you have to follow the interviewers pace. Take a few calming breaths, slow down your answers, and focus on what youre saying. If you need more time, ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify the question. This will give you a few more seconds to think through your response.2. Exude confidenceInterviewers arent only grading you on your answers to tough questions and brainteasers in these situations. Theyre also judging your body language, which includes your eye contact, posture, handshake grip, smile, arm placement, and vocal inflection.When you start feeling intimidated or stressed, its natural to retreat into defense mode and cross your arms. You might sink into your seat or lower your voice. You wont necessarily notice when these changes are happening, but its important to be mindful. Do your best to sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and use open hand gestures.3. Ask questionsIn a stress interview, you might feel out of control. The interviewer has taken the drivers seat and is accelerating at uncomfortable speeds. Remember that thats the point of these types of interviews to see how youll respond in such a situation.Your job is to gain some control back. This can be difficult, especially when youre already in a naturally subordinate position, but heres a simple trick Ask the interviewer questions. Of course, you wont want to interrupt, but view any pauses as opportunities.There are a hr of questions you can ask, but here are a few that might fit into a stress interviewA personal question Im curious to know a bit more about your career path. How did you get your start?A question about the job What traits will the perfect candidate in this position have?A question about the team Can you tell me more about the people Id be working directly with? The manager Id be reporting to?A question about the company How would you describe this companys culture?Not only can these questions help take the heat off you for a second, but they can also help you better understand the company and how it operates outside of this situation.5. Exit PolitelyIf you feel threatened during your interview or the situation crosses a line, let the interviewer know you dont think youre a good fit for this position and dismiss yourself from the situation. If you make it to the end of the interview, do your best to remain polite and leave with confidence.If youd like to follow-up about the interview tactics or feel as though the interviewer crossed a line, consider following up with the companys human resource department, as Bland did. If you feel as though you were discriminated against, you can file a charge with The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.6. Dont settleSome might argue a stress interview is simply a gimmick that companies employ to find the right candidate one who can handle day-to-day stress. However, if you feel uncomfortable during the interview but passed the test and received an offer, follow your gut. An inter view will often reflect a companys culture.Thats what Bland did. Although she initially accepted the offer, she emailed the company back to let them know she couldnt accept the offer and explained why. She provided honest feedback and concluded her email respectfully. Shes now moving on to find another opportunity that will be a better fit.Ultimately, dont blame yourself. If you couldnt withstand the stress test, thats OK. Its not necessarily a direct reflection of how you deal with stressful situations its simply a gimmick, one thatll be deemed archaic sooner rather than later.Still not feeling entirely confident about your upcoming job interview? Our sister site, TopInterview, can help.Editors Note This article was originally published on our sister site, TopInterview.Recommended ReadingWhats a Stress Interview? And How to Prepare for OneDont Answer These Off-Limits Interview QuestionsThings You Should Do Right After a Job InterviewRelated Articles

Monday, December 23, 2019

You Don#8217;t Have to Include Everything on Your Resume

You Don8217t Have to Include Everything on Your Resume You Dont Have to Include Everything on Your Resume As a certified professional resume writer, Ive noticed that one mistake a lot of jobseekers make is trying toincludeeverything on their resumes. Of course, it is important to include pertinent qualifications, achievements, and so on, but you dont have to cram every single detail of your professional life intoyour resume.This may sound counterintuitive, but including less information on your resume may sometimes be better than oversharing. You certainly dont want to end up with a vague and unimpressive document, butif your resume repeats the same duties for multiple positions over and over again, a recruiter or hiring managers eye will start to skim over the details. Theyll be less interested in your document and, by extension, you.The goal of a resume is to impress the reader with your skills and entice them to learn more about you, presumably through an interview. If your res ume simply repeats itselfover and over, the reader wont be impressed or intrigued theyll be bored. If this happens, it is likely that the recruiter or hiring manager will decide to go with adifferent candidate perhaps even someone with the same qualifications but a more interesting resume.Get Creative WithYour LanguageOften, people hold similar roles throughout their careers, which is why so many people find themselves with repetitive resumes. What you should be doing instead is highlighting the differences between each role while notingyour various achievements in each position. You may have had the same role at three different companies, but it is very unlikely that you handled the exact same tasks without any variationat every single job.For example, consider an administrative assistants resume. Administrative assistants often have very similar job duties, regardless of for whom they are working. To add some variation to a resume, all an administrative assistant has to do is sw itch up their wording and phrasing when describing similar responsibilities.For example1. Office manager handhabung in- and outbound phone calls, serving as first point of contact forclient inquiries, and resolving minor disputes.2. Client relations specialist serving to engage clients over the phone, answer any questions, resolve problems, and direct calls to the correct point of contact.These two examples describe essentially the same job duties, but the unique wordingmakes the descriptions seem different.You may be doing the same thing at different jobs, but you shouldnt be using the same wording for each role on your resume. This is where you need to get creative. Use a thesaurus. Look online to see how different job descriptions phrase similar responsibilities.In fact, searching through job listings is a great way to draw inspiration for your own resume in general. You might even find some keywords and phrases thatcapture the essence of your role and make great additions to you r resume.Focus on What Makes You UniqueAnother thing to understand is that you do not need to list every single responsibility you held at each job. List only the responsibilities thatcorrespond with the job youre applying to. If that starts to get repetitive, list the duties that make you stand out.Take the administrative assistant example again. It is common knowledge that administrative assistants answer phones, file paperwork, maintain orderly offices, etc. If, however, you went above and beyond your responsibilities as an administrative assistant,you would want to call attention to that on your resume.Did you manage social media accounts, plan events, or help with the hiring of new employees? Those are the duties you want to list on your resume, not the common-knowledge responsibilities everyone knows you held. By listing the times you went above and beyond your job requirements, you are creating differences between your job descriptions, highlighting your achievements, and sho wing prospective employers that you are a motivated and highly accomplished worker.When you are writing your resume, remember to change things up and that less can bemore. You dont have to include everything on your resume, but you do need to include the information that makes you unique.When it comes down to it, no one is looking at your resume to find out if youre a nice person they want to see if you are a skilled person whocan get the job done. The goal of a resume is to highlight your qualifications and show tauglichkeit employers your achievements throughout your career.Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer and the founder of Write Styles.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Heres how to feel amazing before 8 a.m.

Heres how to feel amazing before 8 a.m.Heres how to feel amazing before 8 a.m.In the first 60-120 minutes of your day, you can change your entire life. You can routinely get yourself into a peak or heightened state of mind and then operate from that state for the remainder of your day.Its strange, though, that most people wont do this. fruchtwein people are content pulling themselves out of bed and then dragging themselves through their day. Most people begin with negative momentum and continue with negative momentum.Most peoples days are highly reflective of their past. As people age, they become increasing past-oriented. Children are almost entirely future-oriented. If you ask them their age, they will say, Im almost 6 or Im 5 and 3/4.At some point or aelendher, you probably became past-oriented. You may have goals youre pursuing. But if you look at your actual daily behavior, does it mostly look like what happened yesterday?If so, then youre past-oriented.If asked the question, W hy are you doing what youre doing? when speaking of your job and other activities, is your response based on experiences and events of the past, or desires for your future?Most people are doing what they are doing because of an event in the past.Most peoples lives are highly predictable - because they are living from the past. Their body and environment have become the controlling influences in their lives. Their body is the record of their past, which has become used to experiencing the saatkorn emotions every day. Stepping out of those emotions - their comfort zone - isnt fun and so it happens rarely. And their environment keeps them in check and holds their self-image together.If you want to change your life, you can do it very quickly.You can put yourself into a peak mental state every single morning and then operate from that state of mind throughout your day.You can create a wildly imaginative future and strive for that future with joy. As Neville Goddard put it, Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.Thats what living in a peak-state is all about. Its about having the imagination and possibility of a child and then creating the emotional experience of actualizing that future in the here-and-now.Art by GapingvoidTraining your brain to get what you wantAs you act from the future of your deepest desires, your behaviors change dramatically. You act with gusto, enthusiasm, and interest. You binnensee potential where others see nothing.As Dan Sullivan has said, Our eyes only see and our ears only hear what our brain is looking for. Similarly, Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer said, If something is presented as an accepted truth, alternative ways of thinking do not even come up for consideration.These two quotes encompass the psychological concept - Selective Attention - which means we only pay attention to things from our environment that are meaningful to us or that we are looking for. We selectively attend, and the rest of everything in the field out side of us goes unnoticed.Every morning, you can put yourself into a zone where you see incredible opportunities and experiences. Your perspective comes from your emotional lens. How you feel about the world determines how you see it.When you act from your desired future - you see things you couldnt see before. You act far more powerfully. You also begin acting with the foreknowledge (i.e., pre-cognition) that when you act powerfully, positive emotions will ensue.The following list is a simple way to put yourself into a peak-state every single day. This isnt complicated stuff. Its actually very basic and doable. But as Jim Rohn put it, What is easy to do is easy not to do.Heres how it worksSet yourself up for success the night before (30-60 minutes)Sleep 7+ hoursWake up immediately when you said you wouldGet into a new environment (5-10 minutes)Meditation and prayer with emotion and writing (5-10 minutes)Listen to high-quality information while you exercise (20-40 minutes)Eat brain food (3-5 minutes)Work on a creative project while in a peak-state (30-90 minutes)This list may seem lame to you.You may be one of those people who feel you are above something like this. And thats fine if you are. But without fail, every time I purposefully create a solid morning routine, I feel better.Dr. Jerome Bruner, a Harvard psychologist said, Youre more likely to act yourself into feeling than feeling yourself into action.With this morning routine, you actually enhance your emotional-state from two angles. You act intentionally and powerfully, which immediately shifts your emotional state as Dr. Bruner says. But you also take the time to visualize and emotionally generate your desired future in the here as now, as Neville Goddard says.You act your way into feeling powerful. And you also feel your way into action.You then operate the rest of your day from your future, not your past.Set yourself up for success the night beforeStressful activities have no place before bedtime. They can induce your body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which can make you feel more alert. Chill out and steer clear of anything non-chilled out. - Kimberly SnyderThis is very simple.Dont look at screens 60+ minutes before bedPut your phone on airplane modeAllow yourself to psychologically detach from work - which means you stop thinking about itBe present with your loved onesWherever you are, make sure you are there. - Dan SullivanOnly 16% of creative ideas happen while youre working - most of them will come when your mind is in a relaxed stateCreate an environment where sleep can happenSleep 7+ hoursTreat yourself as well as you treat your smartphone, making sure to sleep until fully recharged. - Arianna HuffingtonAccording to research done by The National Sleep Foundation, getting a healthy amount of sleep is linked toincreased memorylonger lifedecreased inflammationincreased creativityincreased attention and focusdecreased fat and increased muscle mass with exer ciselower stressdecreased dependence on stimulants like caffeinedecreased risk of getting into accidentsdecreased risk of depressionIf you sleep well and treat your body right, you wont need caffeine and other stimulants.We live in an addiction culture. In the Ted Talk, Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong, Johann Hari explains that addiction is an environmental adaptation.Research has shown that caffeine use is due, in large part, to the industrial model of working from 9-5. Its also clearly due to peoples poor sleeping and technology habits.Dont start your day with caffeine. Instead, follow the advice of the people who consistently live the longest. In the book The Blue Zones Lessons for Living Longer From the People Whove Lived the Longest, Dan Buettner explains that people who live to be over 100 usually start their day with a purpose.They rarely rely on stimulants to get through their day. They are intentional. They are focused on longevity and purpose, not on quick-fixes like caffeine.Wake up immediately when you said you wouldSelf-trust is the first secret of success. - Ralph Waldo EmersonConfidence is a byproduct of doing what you say you will do. If you dont trust yourself, you cant have confidence.Confidence is something that has to be earned every single day. The first decision you make, the one to wake up, starts your momentum in either a positive or negative direction.Get into a new environmentIf we do not create and control our environment, our environment creates and controls us. - Dr. Marshall GoldsmithEvery environment has energy. In reservierung to get yourself moving and going, get yourself into a fresh environment. Even if thats just outside.Shifting environments shifts your energy. When you get up and immediately change your environment, you actually boost your energy levels. Research done by Ellen Langer has found that by simply changing context, peoples energy levels increase because the brain loves novelty and newnes s.Meditation and prayer with emotion and writingAssume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. - Neville GoddardAlso, when you begin to meditate, visualize, and write about your goals, you want to be in an environment conducive to getting clarity and insights.In order to live from your desired future, you want to think about it while your mind is creative first thing in the morning. A creative mind is essential to being a creator of your future and life.Imagination is highly linked to learning, joy, and creativity. How imaginative are you?How imaginative is the future youre striving for?Is it realistic?Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.Dr. Stephen Covey said, Live out of your imagination, not your history.Heres where youre at so farYou set yourself up for success the night beforeYou woke up when you s aid you would (which boosts confidence)You shifted your environment (which boosts energy and flow)Youre now imagining the future you want in a creative environmentAs Neville Goddard explains, Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.As your visualizing and writing down your goals, do so with feeling. Assume the feeling of having achieved your dreams. Assume what it would be like to have what you want.Realize that the moment you begin feeling different, then you can create a different future than you did your past.Most people feel the same way today as they felt yesterday. And their body seeks desperately to recreate the same emotional state - which has become your homeostasis.In order to become a new person and create a new future - you need to act in ways that produce new emotions, and strategically generate the emotions you seek to feel.Write down your goals and a deadline in which they will be complete. Write down the price that needs to be paid in order to achieve the goal. Co mmit to acting and being such that you will pay the price. As the billionaire H.L. Hunt saidThere are only three requirements for success. First, decide exactly what it is you want in life. Second, determine the price that you are going to have to pay to get the things you want. And third, and this is most important, resolve to pay that price.Listen to high-quality information while you exercise.Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. - Zig ZiglarWorkout in the morning, whether that means walking or going to the gym. Whatever you want. But grab yourself a pair of cordless headphones - you can find some for as little as $20.Workout while you listen to audiobooks or podcasts or inspirational music. By moving and pushing your body, youll also be lighting-up your brain. In the book, Spark The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, John Ratey and Eric Hagerman show that fitness charges your brain up and gets you into a learning and heightened state.Eat brain foodIt is easier to change a mans religion than to change his diet. ? Margaret MeadThe food you put into your body directly influences how well your brain, body, mind, and emotions work. Eat foods that light your brain up and get you energized to think and work.According to Dr. Axe, the follow is a list of some of the best brain foods in the morningNuts and seeds - higher levels of vitamin E correspond with less cognitive decline as you get older.Avocados - a monounsaturated fat, which contributes to healthy blood flow, which means a healthy brain. Avocados also lower blood pressure, and as hypertension is a risk factor for the decline in cognitive abilities, a lower blood pressure should promote brain health.Beets - they reduce inflammation, are high in cancer-protecting antioxidants and help rid your blood of toxins. The natural nitrates in beets actually boost blood flow to the brain, helping with mental performance.B lueberries - its one of the highest antioxidant-rich foods in the world, including vitamin C and vitamin K and fiber. Because of their high levels of gallic acid, blueberries are especially good at protecting our brains from degeneration and stress.Bone Broth - the ultimate food for healing your gut and, in turn, healing your brain. Its high levels of collagen help reduce intestinal inflammation, and healing amino acids like proline and glycine keep your immune system functioning properly and help improve memory.Coconut Oil - works as a natural anti-inflammatory, suppressing cells responsible for inflammation. It can help with memory loss as you age and destroy bad bacteria that hangs out in your gut.Egg Yolks - contain large amounts of choline, which helps in fetal brain development for pregnant women. It also breaks down bethane, a chemical that produces hormones related to happiness.Turmeric - helps boost antioxidant levels and keep your immune system healthy, while also imp roving your brains oxygen intake, keeping you alert and able to process information.Work on a creative project while in a peak stateEat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. - Mark TwainCrush the day while everyone else is in a daze.If you want to become successful, you must create success.Wealth is not something you earn, its something you create. And you can create success every single day. You can get into a creative state and produce incredible works.You can build companies. Write music. Come up with creative solutions.You can be a highly creative, imaginative, and innovative person. But creativity is a verb. Its like love. Its something you do and embody.So do it.Get your most important stuff done first. Or else, as youve seen before, it likely wont get done.ConclusionArt by GapingvoidWant to live in a peak state? Then produce amazing mornings.You make or break your life before 8 a.m.Assume the feeling of your wish ful filled.Act and live from the future you want to create, not from your past.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

7 personal branding tips for introverts

7 personal branding tips for introverts7 personal branding tips for introvertsMoving out of your comfort zone can be daunting, but the workplace rewards are worth the risks.In the workforce, having a successful career can often be about personal branding and forging connections with others in the industry. But these things can be tough for introverts, who are naturally prone to desire time alone, prefer personal reflection and thought, and are often very shy.This can be intimidating when entering a professional world where you must compete with extroverts, who are typically very sociable and draw their energy from other people. Still, the workforce doesnt have to be a daunting place for those who arent as comfortable spending a lot of time around others.Here are seven tips to get introverts on the path to personal-branding success1. Speak up about your accomplishmentsIntroverts often dont get the recognition they deserve because they have a difficult time promoting themselves or brin ging themselves attention. But its unwise to rely on others to speak up about your accomplishments, and letting them go unnoticed could get in the way of opportunities for promotion. Think carefully about what you can say about your accomplishments, and to whom, to ensure you receive credit where credit is due.2. Forge strong relationships.Many introverts may find it helpful to have a mentor or trusted supervisor to help them succeed. Forging strong relationships with those who are more apt to speak up on your behalf can be beneficial when you need someone to vouch for your abilities.3. Share your ideas.You dont have to force yourself to be a chatterbox, but when you have a new idea or opinion, share it. This is one way that a boss or oben liegend will really recognize your contribution to the organization. It can often help to mentally lay out what youre going to say before you say it.4. Dont over-analyze your performance.Introverts can be particularly hard on themselves because th ey often become self-conscious when on public display. Remember not to dwell on mistakes. Focus on your successes, and dont over-analyze your situation.5. Rehearse.If you have an interview or presentation coming up, practice a few times in front of the mirror or in front of a friend. The more you do something, the less foreign it becomes.6. Have a plan.Prepare for networking events by having a plan laid out. Have a few conversation starters ready, like comments about things most people can discuss, such as current events, movies or books. Making small talk comes more naturally when you find common ground. Or, prepare a 60-second elevator pitch as a quick way to forge relationships.Take advantage of your strengths.Many introverts find that they communicate much better online than in-person. Make sure to take advantage of online networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other site for young professionals to gain contacts in a stress-free environment.Remember, although the workforce can seem overwhelming to an introvert, anyone can learn proper networking and interviewing skills. Good luckReposted with permission from Personal Branding Blog

Monday, December 9, 2019

Resume Summary Examples Entry Level - a Quick Introduction

Resume Summary Examples Entry Level - a Quick Introduction Resume Summary Examples Entry Level the Ultimate Convenience If you struggle to earn everything fit on a single page youll be able to adjust the margins and font size. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the net to get started applying straight away. There are a lot of formats to pick from when writing a CV. With all resumes its crucial to choose the correct format. Thus, take a while to brainstorm all types of public interaction youve engaged in. First thing you ought to bear in mind is there are no common patterns of writing a resume entry level, as it greatly depends upon the work offer, requirements of the employer not to mention the area of your interests. Spending a small quantity of additional time and effort quantifying your experience goes a lengthy method to demonstrate a potential employer your value. Therefore the emphasis here is on her achievement s and techniques at her existing job. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Summary Examples Entry Level Before Youre Left Behind You cannot deliver the exact same entry level resume summary to different company for different job. Resist the urge to tell the employer what you would like. Include what youve learned that would be helpful to the firm. In the second subsection, its also wise to list certain abilities, like technical or educational ones, which will assist the hiring manager to understand whether youre going to be helpful for the organization. ur applicant made a choice to start out with a Summary of Qualifications to deliver an overview of his particular learned abilities. In the event the employee isnt qualified for unemployment. The very first section of your resume should consist of information on the way in which the employer can contact you. Medical documentation should be routed to HR for each absence in order in order for it to be safeguarded from FM L. Although it is an entry-level job, its still true that you should make certain that you place your best in everything that you do, starting with the resume that you pass. In spite of no experience, you still ought to show experience. In case you have a lot of experience in customer assistance, you might want to use a combination format to highlight both your years of expertise and accolades. For this reason, you should attempt prioritizing your distinctive experience and abilities on offshore work to be shown in the very first or top of your resume. Top Resume Summary Examples Entry Level Secrets Customer service takes in several of unique jobs. As youre going to learn how to earn a kickass customer service resume. An energetic and quick learner whos committed to excellent customer support. A premium quality sample customer service resume will incorporate numerous suitable key terms and phrases that could include things like phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. You might just get a telephone call or perhaps you receive nothing. Phone Include the telephone number you are likely to be reached on. To compose the objection section of a customer service resume, you will need to determine the important tasks to be done at work. The provided resume samples for customer service jobs are tailor-made to create a candidate seem strong and distinctive, and the flow and format of the resumes are excellent for the interviewers to become impressed and receive all the appropriate information simultaneously. Sabbatical leave of absence could be granted just for the aims of continuing specialist education. Youve got to finish a diploma program form to receive your degree. For those who havent had an internship, think about completing one before you try to apply for an entry-level position. Making your resume is essential. Resume Summary Examples Entry Level There are a lot of helpful ideas to keep in mind while writing a resume summary statement. There are many strategies to create a special and professional resume online so youre going to be ready for your next employment application and interview. Our detailed guide about how to compose an ideal cover letter in 8 simple steps will certainly help you out. If you actually need help completing your resume, search for an online resume builder.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Uf Journalism School Writing a Resume Exposed

Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Uf Journalism School Writing a Resume Exposed Always set a weight on the experience part and second weight is going to be on your educational background that may reflect your abilities. Following that, writing an overview of your qualifications like your educational attainment and the crucial skills needed in the position ought to be performed. Besides that, work experience is likewise very essential in that area. Utilizing a one-size-fits-all resume might be a huge mistake when youre looking at a number of job opportunities. If you are in doubt about how to prepare your resume, you can take a look at a resume writing sample. You can readily find a resume writing sample on the internet or in many diverse books. So in the event the typeface employed in your resume sample is inappropriate it may have a negative visual effect on the reader. If you havent before prepared a resume, a resume writing sample is a best approach to learn ju st exactly what you have to include in your resume. Resume tips for felons are a massive assistance. Writing a resume can be a little intimidating if you are a newcomer to job hunting or whether youre job looking for a while with little if any results. For example, if you are asking for a self-employed writer job then you need to not just have adequate understanding of the English language, but you need to likewise be able to apply it and writing a good resume is one particular approach to clearly show your prospective employers or clients that youre good in writing. There are various tips in writing resumes you could follow to create a resume which is among a type that will draw in the interest of your employers. The 5-Minute Rule for Uf Journalism School Writing a Resume UF supplies a freshman Summer session in addition to the conventional Fall term. Your essay is a rather significant part your application. Your UF application essay is an extremely significant part your application. What Is So Fascinating About Uf Journalism School Writing a Resume? No matter which type of profession youre seeking, theres a resume writing sample that could support you in making your own resume. If youre ready to apply, please complete the on-line application. Several of the absolutely free resumes which must be downloaded will enter your word processor so that it becomes a lot easier that you read it and also make the very best use of it. With lots of complimentary sample resumes throughout the web there ought to not be a reason why anyone wouldnt be in a position to present something worth while to an expected employer.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Modeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and Auditions

Modeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and AuditionsModeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and AuditionsThis is Part 2 of a 2 Part Article.Please click here forPart 1 of Modeling Open Calls, Go Sees, Castings Auditions Bring a Swimsuit (Women) If an agency or client is interested in representing or booking you, they will often ask to take snapshots (digitals) of you and take your measurements while you are wearing a swimsuit. Bikinis are preferred, but a one-piece is fine. If you dont have a swimsuit then a good quality matching bra and panty set is fine. Wear Boxer Briefs (Men) If an agency or client is interested in representing or booking you, they will often ask to take snapshots (digitals) of you and take your measurements while you are wearing boxer briefs. Be sure you are wearing good quality boxer briefs that are in perfect condition. No tattered or loose elastic waists, please. Dont Sign Anything at the First Meeting If you are offered a contract with an agency your excitement can take over your common sense. This is the time to take a deep breath and think about what you are being asked to do. A contract is a legally binding agreement so be sure you know exactly what you are signing. A legitimate agency will not be offended if you ask to have a lawyer review the document for you. If you dont have the funds to hire a lawyer then an independent werber can be very helpful. Themodeling werbersat regularly negotiate contracts and they are always willing to give advice and guidance to new models in this area. On the other hand, if you are at an actual modeling job and the client asks you to sign something you are unfamiliar with or that was not discussed between you and your agent in advance then do NOT sign it without your agents consent. Pick up the phone and call your agent before signing anything Accept Criticism and Advice To be a successful model you must have thick skin. Dont let an agent or clients criticism affect y ou. If you met with 50 different agencies or clients youd likely receive 50 different evaluations of your look or suitability for a job. This is just the nature of the business. Yes, sometimes an agent or client can be rude and insensitive but dont waste your time and energy trying to convince them they are wrong. Its just not worth it. Besides, if you rise above it and behave like a professional even if the agent or client is not, you may find that the saatkorn agent or client books you for a job in the future. Ive seen it happen time and time again. Have a Professional Voice Mail Message Remember that as a model you are essentially aself-employed contractorrunning your own business. Just as any business would have a professional voice mail message on their phone so must you. Keep your outgoing voice mail message simple, short and professional. Nothing drives an agent crazier than having to listen to five minutes of Lady Gaga or Metallica before they can leave a message many wi ll just hang up and move to the next model. Reply to Phone Calls Promptly It is important that you reply to phone messages promptly. Youd hate to lose a booking because another model got there first. Set up your phone so that you get texts or other notifications when someone has a left you a message. Relax and Smile Its okay to be nervous when meeting an agent or client for the first time. Agents and clients expect this and will do their best to make you feel comfortable. Remember that agents and clients cant do their jobs without you so they really are happy to see you. Relax, have fun and SMILE The Most Professional Model Always Wins When you attend an agency open call or an audition with a client you will likely be one of many beautiful faces. So, what separates one beautiful face from another? Its PROFESSIONALISM Agencies and clients dont always choose the most beautiful or handsome model but rather the model who they believe is the most professional, easiest to work with, and prepared. Follow these 12 tips and you will be on your way to succeeding at your next open call, go-see or casting

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective

Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective While studies related to employee referral programs have mostly focused on its use and application in the Information Technology industry, its usage is in fact not limited to any one particular industry or vertical but spread out across almost all industries. The article further covers how employee referral programs have benefited organizations in industries such as healthcare, retail, consulting and ecommerce and played an important role in their success.The healthcare industry has always suffered from a shortage of skilled staff limiting growth of the industry as a whole. Referral programs have proven to be a highly effective means of hiring in this highly competitive industry. Seventy-eight percent of respondents who participated in The Bernard Hodes Group Healthcare Talent Metricsranked employee referrals as one of the top five highest-yielding sources of Registered Nurse hires. Al so, The Employee Referral datenbankindex Report 2013 shows that referrals were the leading external source of hires for the healthcare industry.A mobile workforce that is typically not tied to the desk presents one of the biggest challenges in successfully implementing an employee referral program in healthcare organizations. Fortunately, with the integration of mobile capabilities within the referral technology, healthcare employees can access the referral platform from any device anywhere and at any time. Healthcare organizations have also come out with mobile referral websites as well as technology to make it extremely easy and convenient for healthcare employees to share job postings as well as upload resumes online from their smart phones to give a further push to their employee referral program.The retail industry has always preferred hiring through employee referrals more than any other hiring source as referrals tend to be hired and trained much faster and get productive muc h more effectively. Nowadays, most retail organizations have taken to social media in a big way to build their presence and have also integrated social media capabilities into their referral platform to make it easy for employees to share jobs online as well as reach out to their online circle to spread the word. Talbots, a leading retail brand in the U.S., recently revamped its referral program to a completely automated and social media integrated program using Zalp.A relatively new yet rapidly growing industry, the ecommerce or online retail industry has been quickest to capitalize on the advantages offered by employee referrals in terms of access to a global pool of high quality candidates without incurring huge costs. Ecommerce industry relies heavily on technology and internet savvy individuals who rely heavily on word of mouth references to purchase goods or services. Referral programs where employees act as the medium between potential candidates and employer work perfectly t o attract the kind of talent they are looking for. Moreover, since ecommerce industry generally works on low margins, they typically do not have deep pockets to spend on recruitment and prefer to hire through referrals to keep recruiting expenses within control.In the world of professional services like consulting and accounting, employee referrals, in fact, are the driving force behind the entire recruiting strategy for organizations. Businesses like Deloitte, for instance, use referral programs extensively to ensure that more than 40 percent of its annual hiring is through employee referrals and the aim is to take that percentage even higher. Accenture, one of the biggest names in the consulting and accounting industry, is one of the pioneers in the use of employee referrals to drive talent acquisition. Through the use of innovative techniques like gamification with referral cards, which allow employees to track online how well they are stacking up on referral scores visvis other employees, they have managed to keep employees excited about the programKeith Halperin, a senior recruiting consultant, adds Throughout my career, I have been working with highly diverse clients, from established Fortune 500 firms through new 20-person start-ups. Employee referrals, once the neglected step child of Recruiting, are now increasingly discussed as being the most cost-effective means of recruiting quality candidates, while simultaneously increasing employees morale. Employee referrals can provide 40-55% of hires if designed, implemented, and managed in the right way. When created with the input and buy-in of the existing Recruiting staff, ERPs can result in dramatic improvements in Recruitings hires. The above are just a few instances of how employee referrals are helping shape the recruiting strategy across industries. It is now used extensively irrespective of whether you are hiring a head of a company or factory level worker or even a highly skilled healthcare practit ioner.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your Boss

How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your BossHow To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your Boss Updating your LinkedIn profile can be a major stress point if you feel like it could alarm your babo or cause tension at work, however the truth of the matter is that you should never feel guilty about updating your professional profile. Its common to feel like your boss might know or think that youre looking for a new job, but there are simple ways to get around that issue. Here are some tips to help you update your LinkedIn profile without alarming your boss or sending out the wrong message.The first thing to realize is that updating your LinkedIn profile or revamping your resume doesnt automatically mean youre unhappy in your current role. You might have recently taken on a big project that you want to acknowledge, or maybe its just been a while since youve freshened things up. Regardless of your reasoning, you have every right to update your professional documents and LinkedIn profile without feeling guilty or scared that a manager or boss might be unhappy.If your boss gets that upset over a LinkedIn update, (updating your LinkedIn can be considered professional development) you probably arent working for someone who wants to binnensee you succeed. If anything, your manager or boss should be thrilled that you want to highlight all that youve accomplished while working for them. Your success can reflect well on them and their leadership techniques.If youre concerned that a manager or boss might feel like youre going behind their back, let them know that youre updating your profile. By coming out and telling them that youre planning on doing an update or revamp, theres no way for them to feel like you were being dishonest or trying to hide it. Swing by your bosss desk or shoot them an email saying something along the lines of I was looking at my LinkedIn profile, and I noticed that there are a lot of projects and re sponsibilities that I havent included, so Im going to be adding some additional information in the next few days. I wanted to let you know because I dont want any updates or changes to catch you by surprise. This shows that youre open and respecting your boss by giving them a heads up for what they can expect.You can even add something in about how theyve made great opportunities available to you, and you want to reflect that on your LinkedIn profile.If you still feel like the update might send off red flags to your boss, put it into perspective for them. A great way to phrase it is, I always want our clients/candidates/partners to have the most updated information on their LinkedIn profiles so I can learn more about them, therefore I feel like I need to do the same in order to reflect that standard.Another great way to frame the LinkedIn update is this Ive been afforded so many great opportunities in this role, and I want others to see that and be aware of the great opportunities t hat this company provides.Both of these statements articulate that you want to hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others to, and that you want to highlight the benefits of working for the company. This highlights how it will benefit you as well as benefit you clients/candidates/partners, which will in turn benefit your boss/company.At the end of the day, you have control of the information you put out there, and you shouldnt feel guilty or scared about updating your LinkedIn profile. If your superior is that upset about it, you may want to look into a new role where your boss/manager wants to actually see you succeed. If you are trying to update your LinkedIn profile without alarming your boss, be transparent about it, and frame it in a way that will benefit everyone. At that point youve made a conscious effort to be respectful of your peers and authority figures, and if theyre still upset, thats on them.