Friday, November 29, 2019

Modeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and Auditions

Modeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and AuditionsModeling Open Calls, Go-sees, Castings and AuditionsThis is Part 2 of a 2 Part Article.Please click here forPart 1 of Modeling Open Calls, Go Sees, Castings Auditions Bring a Swimsuit (Women) If an agency or client is interested in representing or booking you, they will often ask to take snapshots (digitals) of you and take your measurements while you are wearing a swimsuit. Bikinis are preferred, but a one-piece is fine. If you dont have a swimsuit then a good quality matching bra and panty set is fine. Wear Boxer Briefs (Men) If an agency or client is interested in representing or booking you, they will often ask to take snapshots (digitals) of you and take your measurements while you are wearing boxer briefs. Be sure you are wearing good quality boxer briefs that are in perfect condition. No tattered or loose elastic waists, please. Dont Sign Anything at the First Meeting If you are offered a contract with an agency your excitement can take over your common sense. This is the time to take a deep breath and think about what you are being asked to do. A contract is a legally binding agreement so be sure you know exactly what you are signing. A legitimate agency will not be offended if you ask to have a lawyer review the document for you. If you dont have the funds to hire a lawyer then an independent werber can be very helpful. Themodeling werbersat regularly negotiate contracts and they are always willing to give advice and guidance to new models in this area. On the other hand, if you are at an actual modeling job and the client asks you to sign something you are unfamiliar with or that was not discussed between you and your agent in advance then do NOT sign it without your agents consent. Pick up the phone and call your agent before signing anything Accept Criticism and Advice To be a successful model you must have thick skin. Dont let an agent or clients criticism affect y ou. If you met with 50 different agencies or clients youd likely receive 50 different evaluations of your look or suitability for a job. This is just the nature of the business. Yes, sometimes an agent or client can be rude and insensitive but dont waste your time and energy trying to convince them they are wrong. Its just not worth it. Besides, if you rise above it and behave like a professional even if the agent or client is not, you may find that the saatkorn agent or client books you for a job in the future. Ive seen it happen time and time again. Have a Professional Voice Mail Message Remember that as a model you are essentially aself-employed contractorrunning your own business. Just as any business would have a professional voice mail message on their phone so must you. Keep your outgoing voice mail message simple, short and professional. Nothing drives an agent crazier than having to listen to five minutes of Lady Gaga or Metallica before they can leave a message many wi ll just hang up and move to the next model. Reply to Phone Calls Promptly It is important that you reply to phone messages promptly. Youd hate to lose a booking because another model got there first. Set up your phone so that you get texts or other notifications when someone has a left you a message. Relax and Smile Its okay to be nervous when meeting an agent or client for the first time. Agents and clients expect this and will do their best to make you feel comfortable. Remember that agents and clients cant do their jobs without you so they really are happy to see you. Relax, have fun and SMILE The Most Professional Model Always Wins When you attend an agency open call or an audition with a client you will likely be one of many beautiful faces. So, what separates one beautiful face from another? Its PROFESSIONALISM Agencies and clients dont always choose the most beautiful or handsome model but rather the model who they believe is the most professional, easiest to work with, and prepared. Follow these 12 tips and you will be on your way to succeeding at your next open call, go-see or casting

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective

Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective Role of Employee Referrals Industry Perspective While studies related to employee referral programs have mostly focused on its use and application in the Information Technology industry, its usage is in fact not limited to any one particular industry or vertical but spread out across almost all industries. The article further covers how employee referral programs have benefited organizations in industries such as healthcare, retail, consulting and ecommerce and played an important role in their success.The healthcare industry has always suffered from a shortage of skilled staff limiting growth of the industry as a whole. Referral programs have proven to be a highly effective means of hiring in this highly competitive industry. Seventy-eight percent of respondents who participated in The Bernard Hodes Group Healthcare Talent Metricsranked employee referrals as one of the top five highest-yielding sources of Registered Nurse hires. Al so, The Employee Referral datenbankindex Report 2013 shows that referrals were the leading external source of hires for the healthcare industry.A mobile workforce that is typically not tied to the desk presents one of the biggest challenges in successfully implementing an employee referral program in healthcare organizations. Fortunately, with the integration of mobile capabilities within the referral technology, healthcare employees can access the referral platform from any device anywhere and at any time. Healthcare organizations have also come out with mobile referral websites as well as technology to make it extremely easy and convenient for healthcare employees to share job postings as well as upload resumes online from their smart phones to give a further push to their employee referral program.The retail industry has always preferred hiring through employee referrals more than any other hiring source as referrals tend to be hired and trained much faster and get productive muc h more effectively. Nowadays, most retail organizations have taken to social media in a big way to build their presence and have also integrated social media capabilities into their referral platform to make it easy for employees to share jobs online as well as reach out to their online circle to spread the word. Talbots, a leading retail brand in the U.S., recently revamped its referral program to a completely automated and social media integrated program using Zalp.A relatively new yet rapidly growing industry, the ecommerce or online retail industry has been quickest to capitalize on the advantages offered by employee referrals in terms of access to a global pool of high quality candidates without incurring huge costs. Ecommerce industry relies heavily on technology and internet savvy individuals who rely heavily on word of mouth references to purchase goods or services. Referral programs where employees act as the medium between potential candidates and employer work perfectly t o attract the kind of talent they are looking for. Moreover, since ecommerce industry generally works on low margins, they typically do not have deep pockets to spend on recruitment and prefer to hire through referrals to keep recruiting expenses within control.In the world of professional services like consulting and accounting, employee referrals, in fact, are the driving force behind the entire recruiting strategy for organizations. Businesses like Deloitte, for instance, use referral programs extensively to ensure that more than 40 percent of its annual hiring is through employee referrals and the aim is to take that percentage even higher. Accenture, one of the biggest names in the consulting and accounting industry, is one of the pioneers in the use of employee referrals to drive talent acquisition. Through the use of innovative techniques like gamification with referral cards, which allow employees to track online how well they are stacking up on referral scores visvis other employees, they have managed to keep employees excited about the programKeith Halperin, a senior recruiting consultant, adds Throughout my career, I have been working with highly diverse clients, from established Fortune 500 firms through new 20-person start-ups. Employee referrals, once the neglected step child of Recruiting, are now increasingly discussed as being the most cost-effective means of recruiting quality candidates, while simultaneously increasing employees morale. Employee referrals can provide 40-55% of hires if designed, implemented, and managed in the right way. When created with the input and buy-in of the existing Recruiting staff, ERPs can result in dramatic improvements in Recruitings hires. The above are just a few instances of how employee referrals are helping shape the recruiting strategy across industries. It is now used extensively irrespective of whether you are hiring a head of a company or factory level worker or even a highly skilled healthcare practit ioner.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your Boss

How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your BossHow To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Without Alarming Your Boss Updating your LinkedIn profile can be a major stress point if you feel like it could alarm your babo or cause tension at work, however the truth of the matter is that you should never feel guilty about updating your professional profile. Its common to feel like your boss might know or think that youre looking for a new job, but there are simple ways to get around that issue. Here are some tips to help you update your LinkedIn profile without alarming your boss or sending out the wrong message.The first thing to realize is that updating your LinkedIn profile or revamping your resume doesnt automatically mean youre unhappy in your current role. You might have recently taken on a big project that you want to acknowledge, or maybe its just been a while since youve freshened things up. Regardless of your reasoning, you have every right to update your professional documents and LinkedIn profile without feeling guilty or scared that a manager or boss might be unhappy.If your boss gets that upset over a LinkedIn update, (updating your LinkedIn can be considered professional development) you probably arent working for someone who wants to binnensee you succeed. If anything, your manager or boss should be thrilled that you want to highlight all that youve accomplished while working for them. Your success can reflect well on them and their leadership techniques.If youre concerned that a manager or boss might feel like youre going behind their back, let them know that youre updating your profile. By coming out and telling them that youre planning on doing an update or revamp, theres no way for them to feel like you were being dishonest or trying to hide it. Swing by your bosss desk or shoot them an email saying something along the lines of I was looking at my LinkedIn profile, and I noticed that there are a lot of projects and re sponsibilities that I havent included, so Im going to be adding some additional information in the next few days. I wanted to let you know because I dont want any updates or changes to catch you by surprise. This shows that youre open and respecting your boss by giving them a heads up for what they can expect.You can even add something in about how theyve made great opportunities available to you, and you want to reflect that on your LinkedIn profile.If you still feel like the update might send off red flags to your boss, put it into perspective for them. A great way to phrase it is, I always want our clients/candidates/partners to have the most updated information on their LinkedIn profiles so I can learn more about them, therefore I feel like I need to do the same in order to reflect that standard.Another great way to frame the LinkedIn update is this Ive been afforded so many great opportunities in this role, and I want others to see that and be aware of the great opportunities t hat this company provides.Both of these statements articulate that you want to hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others to, and that you want to highlight the benefits of working for the company. This highlights how it will benefit you as well as benefit you clients/candidates/partners, which will in turn benefit your boss/company.At the end of the day, you have control of the information you put out there, and you shouldnt feel guilty or scared about updating your LinkedIn profile. If your superior is that upset about it, you may want to look into a new role where your boss/manager wants to actually see you succeed. If you are trying to update your LinkedIn profile without alarming your boss, be transparent about it, and frame it in a way that will benefit everyone. At that point youve made a conscious effort to be respectful of your peers and authority figures, and if theyre still upset, thats on them.